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external balance中文是什么意思

用"external balance"造句"external balance"怎么读"external balance" in a sentence


  • 外部平衡
  • "external"中文翻译    adj. 1.外部的,外面的;【哲学】外界的,客观的,物 ...
  • "balance"中文翻译    n. 1.〔常作 a pair of balances〕 ...
  • "balance of external payments" 中文翻译 :    对外支付差额
  • "external balance of goods and services" 中文翻译 :    对外贸易和服务差额
  • "external heat balance" 中文翻译 :    外热量平衡
  • "net external balance" 中文翻译 :    对外贸易净差额
  • "external" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.外部的,外面的;【哲学】外界的,客观的,物质的。 2.表面上的 (opp. intrinsic); 肤浅的,浅薄的,形式上的。 3.对外的;外国的;偶然的。 4.【医学】外用的。 external diametre 外径。 external evidence 外证。 external grinding machine 外圆磨床。 the external world外界,客观世界。 an external loan [debt] 外债。 external parameter 外界参数。 external temperature 外界温度,室外温度,周围温度。 external trade 对外贸易。 external remedies 外用药。 n. 1.外部,外面。 2.〔pl.〕外形,外貌,外观;形式;外部情况。 judge by externals 从外观上判断。 adv. -ly
  • "balance" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.〔常作 a pair of balances〕 天平,秤。 2.平衡,均衡,对称;抵消;比较,对照,对比。 3.(钟表的)平衡轮,摆轮。 4.平衡块,平衡力。 5.【商业】收付平衡[差额];余额,找头,尾数。 6.〔B-〕 【天文学】天平座,天平宫。 7.(情绪的)稳定,镇静。 8.(艺术作品中)布局和比例的协调。 9.〔美口〕 〔the balance〕 剩余部分。 10.【医学】身心平衡治疗法。 You may keep the balance. 尾数[找头等]你收下好了。 The balance of the account is against me. 两抵下来是我欠人。 a favorable [an unfavorable] balance of trade 顺[逆]差;贸易出[入]超。 balance due 账簿中贷方超过借方的数。 balance on hand 账簿中借方超过贷方的数。 balance of accounts 对账。 balance of clearing 汇划结算余额。 balance of (international) payment 国际收支差额,国际收支。 balance of power 力量对比;力量均势。 balance of trade 贸易[输出入]差额。 be (thrown) off one's balance 失去平衡;摔倒;张皇失措;烦恼。 be out of balance 在不平衡状态下。 hang in the balance = tremble in the balance. hold in balance 悬置未决。 hold the balance 掌握决定权;举足轻重。 in [on] balance 总的来说。 in the balance 犹豫未决,忐忑不安。 keep one's balance 保持身体平衡;镇定。 lose one's balance 身体失去平衡,摔倒;慌乱。 on(the) balance 两抵,结果。 redress the balance 公平处理[调整]。 strike a balance 结账;衡量得失,作出结论。 throw sb. off his balance 使(某人)失去身体平衡,使摔倒;扰乱,使(某人)狼狈不堪。 tremble in the balance 处于紧要关头,吉凶未决。 vt. 1.(用天平等)秤。 2.使均等,使平衡。 3.比较,对照;权衡,斟酌。 4.和…相抵,两抵;抵消。 5.结算,清(账)。 vi. 1.平衡,均等。 2.收支平衡。 3.踌躇;摇摆不定。 4.(舞蹈)作摇摆动作。 a balanced criticism 实事求是的批评。 a balancing plane 【航空】安定翼面;平衡翼。 a balancing test 【航空】平衡试验。 balance accounts 使收支平衡;结账。 balance the book 结清各账。 balance oneself 保持身体平衡。 balance out 【物理学】衡消。
  • "balance of" 中文翻译 :    当付款项
  • "in balance" 中文翻译 :    平衡; 总而言之
  • "of balance" 中文翻译 :    平衡的
  • "on balance" 中文翻译 :    将一切情形都考虑到; 总的来说; 总的说来; 总的效果; 总而言之
  • "on the balance" 中文翻译 :    两抵, 收付平衡
  • "the balance" 中文翻译 :    天秤座
  • "balance plough balance point" 中文翻译 :    平衡点
  • "balance; keep balance" 中文翻译 :    保持平衡
  • "trial balance of totals and balance" 中文翻译 :    合计及差额试算表
  • "trial balance totals and balance" 中文翻译 :    供不应求差额试算表
  • "access external" 中文翻译 :    外部存取
  • "antero-external" 中文翻译 :    前外的
  • "arithmetic external" 中文翻译 :    外算术运算
  • "built-in external" 中文翻译 :    内置式外置式
  • "communication external" 中文翻译 :    外部通信
  • "endometriosis external" 中文翻译 :    外在性子宫内膜异位症
  • "ext external" 中文翻译 :    外部的,外接的


  • Four types of external balances are in general use .
  • An analysis of internal and external balance under the trio constraint
  • Emerging european economies have the least healthy external balances
  • Net external balance
  • Appropriate exchange rate regime has been playing an important role in internal balance and external balance for a country
  • 3 . there is no doubt that economic recovery in the region has gathered considerable momentum . economic growth for most economies has been better than expected , external balances have improved remarkably , international funds have renewed interest in the region s asset markets , and yield spreads of asian sovereign bond issues over the us treasuries have narrowed notably
    3 .区内经济的确在强劲复苏,大部分经济体系的表现均较预期为佳,国际收支平衡状况显著改善,国际投资者恢复在区内资产市场投资,亚洲政府债券与美国国库券的收益率差距大为收窄。
  • The exchange rate target zone is a suitable arrangement for chinese financial industry in the opening up process . it not only has the advantage of the fixed and floating rate regime , but also it can coordinate the exchange rate policy and monetary policy and realize the internal and external balance of the economy
  • Combining with chinese realities , by using modern economic analytical tools , starting from discussing linkage mechanism between interest rate and exchange rate , author tries to establish a framework to analyze the linkage between interest rate and exchange rate in dynamic opening financial market , and tries to study the financial - market opening model , interest - liberalization model , exchange - rate reform model which adapt to china , thus putting forward a systematic defending , an early warning and a regulating mechanism from a fresh perspective against the new issue - risk shock which occurred during the course of financial - market opening after china ' s entry to wto so as to offer an integrated thought for keeping internal and external balance of economic development in the course of chinese financial opening
    本文运用现代经济分析工具,结合中国实际,从探讨利率?汇率联动机理入手,建立金融市场动态开放中的利率?汇率联动分析框架,进一步研究适合于中国的金融市场开放模式、利率市场化模式和汇率改革模式,从而以新的视角对中国加入wto后金融市场开放中出现的新问题? ?风险冲击,提出一个系统的防范、预警和调节机制,为保持中国金融开放过程中经济发展的内外平衡,提供一个整体性思路。
  • Based on law and rules , all of the four supervision methods construct the external balance system of regulating corporation governance , therefore impelling corporations to legally produce , obey the law and rules , maintain the market order , improve their own competitiveness , and finally face international competition with an active attitude
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